RESUME (english)

Alexandre Waquier                   
218 rue Jean Jaurès
CROIX 59170

French, 26 years old, Driver’s licence


- Since 2011: Account Manager for Sportstec, who is the global leader in the development of leading edge sports technology products including SportsCode the world’s premier performance analysis (video analysis) software.

- January-June 2010: Internship for Oxylane/Decathlon, a french major sport industry, as a project manager to develop sports centers in Europe and organise partnerships and fundraising.

- August 2009: Humanitary work, Burkina Faso.

-  January-June 2008 : Internship as assistant coach for the University of Northern Colorado’s women basketball, United States.

- Spring 2003 and 2002: Internship with the newspaper Nord-Eclair and with the french channel France 3.


- 2005-2010: Diploma from Sciences Po Toulouse a french selective prestigious school, provides a wide-range of teachings including Economy, sociology and Communication

- January-December 2007: Sports marketing studies, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

2004-2005 : Prep School (Lille, France):  Prep schools are designed for students with excellence in academic achievement, in preparation for admission tests at selective schools such as the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Toulouse.


- Team spirit, versatile, synthetic
- Blog writting:
- Organisation of concerts, firms meeting and sports tournament.
- Languages: English : fluent (6 month  in United States )
                     Spanish : fluent (6 month in Argentina)
                     French : mother tongue
- Computer: Power point, office.
- Experiences as Basket-ball coach and referee


- Community involvment
- Sport fan, player with a basketball team
- Travels (India, Asia, Africa, South and North America…)